Cristian Ureche, Product Manager in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
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Cristian Ureche

Verified Expert  in Product Management

Product Manager

Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Toptal Member Since
May 22, 2019

Cristian is a technical product manager with experience shipping tech products in more than 30 countries. He later became an entrepreneur and built an award-winning IoT startup pioneering PropTech and smart access technologies. He was invited out of 2,1万名企业家在巴黎参加为期一年的法国科技票计划. Besides possessing expertise in AI, Cristian is well versed in the end-to-end product development cycle with an active and influential leadership style.

Project Highlights

NEOM Smart City
Worked with the tech and digital sector of NEOM, 一座正在沙特西北部Tabuk省建造的城市. It is planned to incorporate smart city technologies and function as a tourist destination.
Parking Plus
Led the product roadmap strategy and development of a B2B software platform for the parking industry launched in seven countries.
Capterra Software Review Platform
Led product development from zero to one by coordinating product initiatives in collaboration with product design, tech, content operations, analytics, and branding teams.


Work Experience

Product Management Consultant

2019 - PRESENT
  • Helped business executives and startup founders transform their visions into pragmatic product initiatives.
  • Determined product requirements and solution architectures for minimum viable product (MVP) experiments and growth stages.
  • Contributed to building teams aligned with the company's objectives and supervised delivery.
  • Defined customer discovery and validation strategies, 优先考虑四种类型的客户访谈:探索性访谈, validation, satisfaction-oriented, and efficiency.
  • 制定以产品团队为中心的竞争分析程序, customer base, design, brand, and speed of execution.
  • 既定的增长、留存率、用户粘性、用户满意度和收益指标.
  • 构思反馈循环,以控制产品开发的战略方向.


2023 - 2023
Algomarketing Ltd
  • Guided founder, assessing AI product feasibility and ensuring strategic decision-making success.
  • Assessed the suitability of several AI models for predicting the next-best action to drive sales conversions.
  • 与高级管理人员就新产品计划的可行性进行合作.

Senior Product Manager

2021 - 2022
  • Started zero-to-one product development processes for the digital markets division's new initiatives.
  • 通过推动跨部门项目,领导产品改进计划.
  • 根据业务目标定义并确定产品路线图的优先级.
  • 为使用人工智能的推荐引擎提供建议.
  • 提出了转化率优化的A/B测试假设.
  • Aligned stakeholders from different departments and divisions to meet business objectives and project timelines.

Senior Product Manager

2020 - 2022
  • Led B2B product development initiatives for next-generation performance marketing platforms.
  • 根据行业趋势和客户反馈,为产品套件改进提供建议.
  • 帮助团队将内部工作流程从看板迁移到Scrum.

Founder | Chief Product Officer

2014 - 2019
  • Defined and built a complete software suite, including mobile apps, a website, and a back office, sold in seven countries on four continents.
  • 建立了15人的团队和20多家供应商的生态系统, 包括第三方软件系统和硬件提供商.
  • 向投资者筹集资金,并在拉丁美洲开设和管理商业账户, the US, Europe, and the Middle East.
  • 在波兰、罗马尼亚和法国牵头开展了三个加速/孵化项目.
  • 2015年获得罗马尼亚最佳物联网创业奖.
  • Received an invitation—out of 2,000家全球初创企业——在巴黎参加为期一年的法国科技入场券计划.

Member of the Innovation Group

2012 - 2019
Cluj IT Cluster
  • Developed smart specialization strategies for cities in Romania and evangelized and framed open-data methodologies.
  • Strengthened the positioning of Cluj-Napoca as a leading tech hub in Europe by involving in international conferences and events, delivering keynotes or acting as a panelist on topics related to smart cities and the automotive industry.
  • Conceived educational curricula for ITC undergraduate students in Romania aligned with the market needs and technological trends.

Country Ambassador

2017 - 2018
  • 帮助公司在罗马尼亚实施市场进入战略, 宣传让Revolut成为独角兽的神奇产品.
  • 收集市场反馈,并根据公司协议进行整理.
  • 参加公司活动,加强与其他生态系统利益相关者的合作.


2010 - 2014
  • Improved the bid-to-win ratio of the company by 20% and helped the sales team close a total of $15 million in contracts in three years.
  • 管理有选择性的战略客户组合,包括阳狮集团, Renault, Adecco, World Customs Organization, and TF1—on fixed-price and Agile contractual frameworks.
  • 领导一个由35名技术人才组成的交付单元,指导人才学习敏捷方法.
  • 推动不同规模、不同阶段项目的交接程序, successfully ramping up new engineering teams.
  • 监督了几个项目从瀑布到Scrum的成功过渡.

Assistant Professor

2012 - 2013
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
  • Taught software engineering fundamentals and object-oriented programming principles using Java.
  • Combined insights from the tech industry with the best theoretical practices to give students meaningful examples and project ideas.
  • 指导和指导研究生的软件工程职业道路.

Software Developer

2008 - 2010
Business Logic Systems
  • Built enterprise software platforms for mobile telecommunication operators such as Vodafone and Telstra.
  • 参与构思高可扩展性平台架构设计. 该团队负责当时世界上最大的微软SQL数据库.
  • Developed an enterprise product based on workflow engines.

NEOM Smart City

Worked with the tech and digital sector of NEOM, 一座正在沙特西北部Tabuk省建造的城市. It is planned to incorporate smart city technologies and function as a tourist destination.

我与NEOM的技术和数字部门合作,创造城市生活的未来. I created roadmaps, product visions, 和okr的产品倡议,以支持认知城市的发展. I also coordinated with the highest-level stakeholders to synchronize product initiatives with strategic objectives.

Parking Plus

Led the product roadmap strategy and development of a B2B software platform for the parking industry launched in seven countries.

I conceived the vision, mission, and product values, setting the north star for the entire product line. I developed MVP experiments and associated KPIs and owned the roadmap for all digital initiatives related to the product line. 我还领导了用户体验优化计划和产品界面改造, identified market opportunities, and opened business accounts in seven countries. I then developed a network of partners—identifying additional revenue streams—and managed the annual budgets for product development, business development, and platform operations. 最后,该业务获得了以下值得注意的行业认可:

• Best IoT Startup for Business, Bucharest 2015

Capterra Software Review Platform

Led product development from zero to one by coordinating product initiatives in collaboration with product design, tech, content operations, analytics, and branding teams.

Capterra是世界领先的软件评审和选择平台. 2022年,在我的产品领导下,Capterra推出了一个新的产品计划. 该产品的流量逐月增长了3倍,直到我的参与结束.



I led a business analysis for the three business lines of the group concerning the strategy of adopting a digital transformation approach for the sales organization. 我与主要利益相关者进行销售流程设计研讨会, improving actions and adapting them to digital operations. I also performed a business suitability assessment for off-the-shelf CRM solutions—such as Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, 和Sugar crm,并交付了一套数字化销售工作流程, including a CRM implementation strategy.


领导产品市场匹配计划和向新软件团队的迁移, 管理产品开发和生命周期保留框架.

Mntrni is a two-sided marketplace for mentoring through video sessions and talent economy acceleration. It connects experts in business, research, 并在个人成长领域与用户寻求专业建议. Mntrni为量身定制的个性化体验提供移动友好功能.

I handled product road mapping and planning and managed the transition between different engineering teams, addressing technical depth. I also proposed a retention lifecycle framework optimization and customer journey enhancement.

Filae (formerly Genealogie)


I led the database redesign according to best practices and project needs in terms of performance and scale. I successfully migrated significant database content with minimum impact on service availability: with less than 12 hours of downtime for more than 500 million records in migration. 我还协调了数字档案在线查看器的产品改进.

Cluj-Napoca Brained City

Led the mobility vertical of the first Romanian smart city project developed and implemented in Cluj-Napoca.

CLUJ - napoca brain City是在CLUJ IT的保护伞下开发的, a cluster-based organization formed by active organizations in the information technology field. The project had a budget of $2 million and is a reference for good practices in Eastern Europe.

Smart Access Box

Led the product design and development of Smart Access Box devices and the software platform.

I drove the product design and development of Smart Access Box hardware and software: the devices and the software platform, 包括嵌入式软件、iOS和Android移动应用. I also coordinated an international team spread across Switzerland, Romania, Moldavia, and China.
2009 - 2012



2004 - 2009




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